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Monday, 16 April 2018



1) Open a picture in Photoshop.

2) unlock the layer.

3) Delete the background by magnetic lesso or pen tool.

4) Create a new file & drag the picture in this file.

5) Change the background color of this new file.

6)  Select CROP tool & put value Width-3.5 cm, Height-4 cm and Regulation-same of this file.

7) Then select the area which you want to crop &press Enter.

8) For merge the two layer, first link the layer & click marge link button of layer palette.

9) Again create a new file from file menu(size- A4, Resulation- same).

10) Then drag the passport picture in new file.

11) Then arranged the passport size photo in new document.

12) Save it im JPEG format.

Thank You

Sunday, 15 April 2018

Write a program to check Leap Year | Leap Year Checker in VB 6.0

Write a program to check Leap Year | Leap Year Checker in VB 6.0.


Code Window

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim s As Integer
s = Val(Text1.Text)
If s Mod 4 = 0 Then
Text2.Text = "Leap Year"
Text2.Text = "Non-Leap Year"
End If
End Sub

Thank You

Saturday, 14 April 2018

Write a program to check the number is perfect or not | Perfect number checker in VB 6.0

Write a program to check the number is perfect or not | Perfect number checker in VB 6.0.


Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim n As Integer, i As Integer, s As Integer
n = Val(Text1.Text)

For i = 1 To n / 2
If n Mod i = 0 Then
s = s + i
End If
Next i
If s = n Then
MsgBox "Perfect"
MsgBox "Not Perfect"
End If
End Sub

Thank You

Friday, 13 April 2018

Enterprise Resource Planing or ERP | Life Cycle of ERP | top erp vendors

What is ERP or Enterprise Resource Planning?

ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning. It is a set of application software that integrates information from manufacturing, finance, facilities decision making. It is creating a common database across the organization to the used by different department of the enterprise.
Many vendors from different countries have been offering ERP solution. The ERP product works with different hardware platforms and operation system environments. The vendors of ERP solution always change their products with constant changes in information technology which include internet, e-commence, satellite communication etc. due to rapid technological growth ERP vendors come with their new version of ERP software .

ERP Life cycle or Steps in ERP Implementation

The main achievement of ERP implementation is customer service, reduce manufacturing cost etc. The different steps involved in ERP Implementation is called ERP life cycle and they are -

i.Shorting ERP package  : -
Here more suitable ERP package as to find out & selected.

ii. Accessing chosen package : -
A expert Team test and certify that selected ERP package &also confirm that the software will work other departments.

iii. GAP Analysis : -
In this stage ERP makes user-friendly by analysis and identify the gaps that has to be bridged. It is expensive Procedure but it’s is inevitable.

iv. Business process Re-engineering : -
Change in business process technical details, machinery & communication. It means re structuring the module.

v. Design the system : -
This step helps to decide and conclude the area where restructuring have to be carried out.

vi. Checking : -
This steps observes & tests the authentically of the use of system.

vii. Preparing employees to use ERP : -
Employees  in organization will be taught to make use of system in regular basis.  So, as to make sure that it is become a part of system in the organization.

vii. Post Implementation : -
After Implementation of ERP what happened on organization shows this step. After Implementation regularly follow the system steps taken to update or after if required.


Thank You

Saturday, 31 March 2018

Date of Birth Calculation in Visual Basic 6 - bluepartner

Hello Friends, today we learn how to make a program of "DATE OF BIRTH CALCULATION" in VISUAL BASIC 6.
Here you can see the design of the program. on the based of the design the coding will be prepared. 



Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim d As Date, d1 As Date
d = Date
syear = Year(Date)
smonth = Month(Date)
sday = Day(Date)
Text2.Text = sday
Text3.Text = smonth
Text4.Text = syear
d1 = Format(Text1.Text, "dd/mm/yyyy")
cyear = Year(d1)
cmonth = Month(d1)
cday = Day(d1)

Text5.Text = cday
Text6.Text = cmonth
Text7.Text = cyear
If sday < cday Then
sday = sday + 30
d2 = sday - cday
m2 = cmonth + smonth + 1
d2 = sday - cday
End If
If smonth < cmonth Then
smonth = smonth + 12
m2 = (smonth - cmonth)
cyear = cyear + 1

m2 = smonth - cmonth
End If
Y2 = syear - cyear
Text8.Text = d2
Text9.Text = m2
Text10.Text = Y2
End Sub

Run the program or make exe what do you ever. you have to enter the date on the format (dd/mm/yyyy) and click on "Calculate" command button. Then you can see the current date which mean today's date and next you can see your date of birth once again and after if you can see your current age.

Thank You,